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ar2bugfix question - Dysprosium
2009/01/30 (Fri) 16:49:39
Was wondering how to work the ar2bugfix .exe file.

I have a .iso copy of Ar Tonelico 2, so I put all the files in into the same folder/directory as my AT2.ISO, and run the .exe

A program window popped up and then disappeared in a split second without any messages or anything. I was wondering if that's how it works or did i do something wrong? ∵
Re: ar2bugfix question - asmodean
2009/01/30 (Fri) 17:24:52
Run it from a command prompt (ar2bugfix.exe AT2.ISO). Actually you could drag&drop the ISO onto the executable but I don't really encourage that because you won't have time to read the message confirming that the patch was applied successfullly. ∵
Re: ar2bugfix question - asmodean
2009/01/30 (Fri) 17:53:31
I made a small change just now so that people allergic to command line tools can use drag&drop. ∵
Re: ar2bugfix question - Algester
2009/01/30 (Fri) 22:29:16
I just want to know how will I know that i was able to patch correctly I'm just seeing a line saying patched at offset 00x007... should those be the right lines i should normally be seeing? ∵
Re: ar2bugfix question - Alcaponi
2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:19:47
∵ do I need to load this every time I play the game?
Re: ar2bugfix question - asmodean
2012/12/25 (Tue) 03:42:30
ar2bugfix patches the target permanently. ∵